Cancer Screening with Ultrasound Care

When it comes to your health, early detection of conditions is vital. At Ultrasound Care, we offer comprehensive cancer screening as part of our Testicular and Pelvic Well-Being scans for men and women. These scans can help to identify potential health issues before they become serious.

Our ultrasound scans are non-invasive, safe and reliable. We are able to monitor your health and help you take proactive steps to manage your own health and well-being.

If you are looking for cancer screening locally, book online today with Ultrasound Care.

Cancer Screening Ultrasounds

The Importance of Cancer Screenings

Prevention is always better than cure; at Ultrasound Care, we offer cancer screenings as part of our ultrasound scans. These results can play a critical part in your preventative healthcare, helping to detect cancer at the earliest stages when treatment can be most effective. When you identify potential problems early, this can improve your changes of a positive outcome and provide you with peace of mind in the long run.

Don’t wait for symptoms to start appearing, book your ultrasound scan today with cancer screening included.

Why Does Early Detection Matter?

When cancer has been detected, being able to catch this early means that you can begin the right treatment sooner, leading to better outcomes. Cancer Research UK confirms that spotting cancer early can save lives.

Many types of cancer are more treatable when caught early. This can prevent the spread of the cancer. Having regular screenings are especially important for those with a family history of cancer or other risk factors. These regular ultrasound checks can help you stay ahead of potential health issues and maintain your quality of life.

Cancer Screenings Available

At Ultrasound Care, we offer cancer screenings as part of our ultrasound scans for both men and women at no extra cost. These scans are part of our commitment to delivering high quality scans, quick and reliable results and patient centred care. Our services are designed to meet the needs of individual healthcare with compassion, respect and dignity. We offer cancer screenings as part of the following ultrasound scans:

This ultrasound scan for men is a diagnostic test that obtains images from the scrotal region and surrounding tissue. This is a safe and painless scan that is non-invasive. You will be asked to remove your lower clothing in order to complete the scan; a hospital gown will be given to you.

This procedure will take approximately 15-30 minutes. A gel will be applied to the testicles and a transducer will be glide over the area to get clear imagery. There is no radiation exposure making this a completely safe procedure.

During this scan, testicular cancer screening takes place, with our qualified sonographers being able to detect any abnormal growths or changes in the testicular region. If cancer has previously been diagnosed, we can also check to see if this has spread.

A pelvic well-being scan is part of our gynaecology ultrasound scans for women. This is performed to help check the size and condition of the ovaries, uterus and lining of the womb. It is designed to help identify any potential concerns within the pelvic region or gynaecological issues such as ovarian cancer.

During this ultrasound scan for women, we will perform an ovarian cancer screening to give you peace of mind about your pelvic well-being. The early detection of this can ensure that you receive the right treatment via your GP.

This scan takes approximately 30 minutes. A gel will be applied to your abdomen with a transducer gilding over this area to get a clear picture of your pelvic region. If this is not clear enough, we may ask to perform an internal scan. This will involve a splendour wander being inserted into the vagina in order to get a better look at the pelvic region. You will be asked to remove your lower clothing for this scan, but a hospital gown will be given to you.

Our kidney, ureter and bladder ultrasound scan for women also include a cancer screening. This ultrasound scan is performed to check the shape, size and condition of the ureter, both kidney and bladder. During this scan, any growths, abnormalities or obstructions will be identified by our qualified sonographers via the diagnostic imaging.

This particular scan has been designed to give you a clear indication of your organ health. Early identification of any abnormalities can help your GP direct treatment and give you the best possible outcome.

For this particular scan, a full bladder is required; we recommend drinking plenty within the hour before your scan and avoid going to the toilet beforehand. A transducer is applied to the kidney region for this scan, making it safe and non-invasive.

Our kidney, ureter and bladder ultrasound scan for women also include a cancer screening. This ultrasound scan is performed to check the shape, size and condition of the ureter, both kidney and bladder. During this scan, any growths, abnormalities or obstructions will be identified by our qualified sonographers via the diagnostic imaging.

This particular scan has been designed to give you a clear indication of your organ health. Early identification of any abnormalities can help your GP direct treatment and give you the best possible outcome.

For this particular scan, a full bladder is required; we recommend drinking plenty within the hour before your scan and avoid going to the toilet beforehand. A transducer is applied to the kidney region for this scan, making it safe and non-invasive.

At Ultrasound Care, we offer abdominal scans for both men and women. This ultrasound scan gives a clear insight into the structures and blood flow within the abdomen. Organs, tissue, blood vessels and other abdominal structures are examined during this scan, alongside a thorough cancer screening taking place.

The purpose of this abdominal scan is to check some of your body’s major organs: kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen and gallbladder. Any abnormalities, growths or obstructions can be identified via the ultrasound to help indicate any gallstones, cancer, tumours or other medical concerns that need to be addressed with your GP.

If you are booking an abdominal scan with us, you must not eat in the 6-8 hours beforehand and only drink clear fluids (such as water). A transducer will be used over your abdomen to get a clear picture It is a completely safe and non-invasive scan that should not be uncomfortable or painful. Typically, this scan will take 30-45 minutes with a complete report to follow for your GP.

Whether you have been previously diagnosed with cancer or other medical conditions and would like to monitor them, or have been seeing symptoms that are concerning, book your ultrasound scan including cancer screening with your local Ultrasound Care today.

It is important that all compiled reports are discussed further with your GP to confirm diagnosis and treatment plans that can give you the best health outcome.

Providing You Peace of Mind

We understand that a cancer diagnosis is daunting. We ensure that our clinics provide a reassuring and supportive environment for everyone. Our team are dedicated to providing a personalised service that suits your needs.

At Ultrasound Care, all scans are performed by a qualified sonographer with chaperones offered. Where possible, we will offer same day appointments to give you quick and reliable results that can be discussed further with your GP. If you are looking for a quick ultrasound cancer screening, book with your local Ultrasound Care today. For same day appointments, please call the clinic.

Book Your Cancer Screening Today

Ultrasound scans are powerful in early detection and preventative healthcare for both men and women. With regular health checks and scans, you can ensure that any potential health concerns are caught early and monitored regularly.

At Ultrasound Care, we are committed to provide high quality, patient centred care that gives you complete peace of mind. Book your cancer screening ultrasound scan today and take a proactive step towards a healthier future.