Anomaly Scan

An anomaly scan will check for any major abnormalities physically in the baby. It can also be known as a mid-pregnancy scan as it is best performed around 18-21 weeks of the pregnancy.

The anomaly scan will take a close look at your womb and the baby. The sonographer will check that your baby is developing as it should be and that everything is normal.

If you have any concerns why not let Ultrasound Care put your mind at ease, our experienced sonographers will do their utmost to ascertain any anomaly in the baby at the time of the scan. *

Ultrasound Care’s Anomaly Scans

The Ultrasound Care anomaly scan will look at close detail at the baby’s heart, bones, spinal cord, brain, kidneys, abdomen, and face, with a view to investigating the position of the placenta, anatomical features, development of the fetus, cardiac abnormalities, measurements at the expected gestational age, presence of open spina bifida and presence of cleft lip. If the sonographer detects any of these or anything that they feel is concerning, you will be advised to contact your GP or midwife immediately.

Once the scan is complete you will receive three black and white thermal images and a full written report of the scan.

If you would like to book in for an anomaly scan contact us today our friendly and professional staff are on hand to answer any questions you may have and to arrange your appointment.

A couple holding a baby scan

*Even with the best intentions, there is always a chance that certain anomalies will not show up visibly or clearly so may not be identified at this stage. This is considered a usual factor in this industry including the NHS. Ultrasound Care/Peek a baby does not take any responsibility for any anomalies that may appear or become evident at a later stage.